A homage to Vitalik
Help us upload the largest JPEG on-chain
Help us upload the largest JPEG on-chain

Introducing the Buterin Cards, a unique on-chain collection of 2,015 cards celebrating Ethereum's co-founder, Vitalik Buterin. Inspired by the iconic Nakamoto Cards on Bitcoin, the Buterin Cards aim to pay tribute to Vitalik's immense contributions to blockchain technology. Permanently stored on the Ethereum blockchain, these cards are the result of a collaborative effort by JPEG miners who work together to upload each card's data on-chain. When the last card gets mined, more than 10 MB of data will have been uploaded.
We would like to thank TokenFox for the valuable feedback and his free use of https://onchainchecker.xyz/ tool. To Bru and Rainanav for the feedback on the card design and aesthetics. To Chainleft for his overall feedback an encouragement.